TechMass diventa TeamSystem! Scopri di più

TechMass world

We put people at the center: the companies we work with, the partners and our employees

Our history

TechMass brings together people with acquired skills in decades of experience in large manufacturing industries (primarily Procter & Gamble), as well as in the development of digital tools for banks and insurance companies for the consumer world. Our previous experiences have allowed us to understand and study the limits and difficulties of the reference approaches and create a system that breaks down traditional barriers.

With TechMass we bring our skills to the international level, in a continuous exchange that allows us to grow, together with the companies we support every day.


The entry into TeamSystem, in October 2019, is confirmation of the results achieved and will facilitate the dissemination on the market of new integrated and cloud solutions for Industry 4.0.

TeamSystem is the Italian leader in the digital solutions market for business management of enterprises and professionals. With forty years of history, it is one of the most dynamic Italian companies in the IT sector, constantly growing thanks also to a serious investment policy:

  • € 356.1 million in total revenues in 2018;
  • 1.4 million customers on its digital and cloud platforms;
  • Over 550 partners and direct offices.


We support the real economy growth, providing innovative solutions both to medium and small businesses, and to large ones, helping companies to develop their potentialities.

We believe in work and tradition, in history and in manufacturing culture, which we promote and support.

We believe in the enhancement of employees, the beating heart of every company’s growth.


We contribute to the optimization of companies’ productivity by promoting an event & data-driven manufacturer with an innovative, accessible and simple but at the same time powerful and effective system, able to provide the necessary information needed to compete for competitiveness and grow in the market.



We accompany corporation in their process of gradual growth, according to their needs and timing, to achieve sustainable results for the organization.


For us, growth comes first and foremost from people. Our goal is to involve them in the processes and enhance the potential of each, for a strong and winning company system.


Start your path with TechMass

TechMass diventa TeamSystem!

Abbiamo percorso tanta strada insieme, e per migliorare ogni giorno i nostri servizi abbiamo deciso di continuare a crescere insieme a TeamSystem!

Non cambierà nulla per te e i nostri servizi andranno in continuità.
Il nostro sito nelle settimane successive sarà spento, ma potrai trovarci nel sito di TeamSystem!