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From buzzword to reality: more and more companies are facing the change towards Smart Manufacturing. But what exactly is it? What are the benefits and challenges? […]


Analisi e approfondimenti visti sotto la lente di TechMass 🔍

19 May 2023
smart manufacturing digitalizzazione fabbrica

Smart Manufacturing: how to lead the change towards the smart factory

From buzzword to reality: more and more companies are facing the change towards Smart Manufacturing. But what exactly is it? What are the benefits and challenges? […]
18 May 2023

Machine downtime in production: how to prevent and manage them?

Machine downtimes are typical events in the manufacturing sector. However, when they are excessively long or unplanned, they can have a negative impact on production performance. […]
17 March 2023

Production lead time in manufacturing: why is it important to measure it?

Among the various KPIs to be monitored, the measurement of the production lead time is used to minimize any inefficiencies and costs incurred by the company. […]
3 March 2023
costi di produzione in manifattura

Production costs: what are they and why is it important to calculate them?

Within a manufacturing process there are various production costs to be incurred. Their correct estimation and calculation is important for defining business objectives and estimating margins. […]
29 November 2022
user experience e user interface nei software mes

The importance of User Experience and User Interface in MES software

In the B2B world, attention is increasing to guarantee a solution use experience that is satisfying and as natural as possible. A change that is leading […]
22 August 2022
TechMass 5 anni

TechMass turns 5!

In these days of August TechMass reaches an important milestone. In fact, 5 years have already passed since our adventure began in August 2017. 5 years […]
31 May 2022
motivi avere software mes

14 reasons why you need a MES software

Which are the reasons why it is essential for every company, large or small, to implement an MES software for monitoring and improving production performance? In […]
27 April 2022
Software in cloud vs on premises

Cloud vs On Premises: is owning the data really safer?

Among the skeptics of Cloud solutions, there is a widespread belief that physically owning data, through an On Premises service, is much safer. But are risks […]
21 December 2021
riassunto 2021 techmass

TechMass 2021: goals and lessons

Despite Covid and the difficulties that the manufacturing sector is facing, such as the scarcity and price increases of raw materials, 2021 proved to be a […]

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